Carolyn Steele Agosta

I'm a baby-boomer who grew up in Michigan and moved to North Carolina in 1975. I expect that pretty soon I'll actually be almost a Southerner. Born into a large family, I've raised a largish family (4 kids), and have always been fascinated by family relationships and the effects of birth order. (Just so you know - I was a middle kid - looking for my validation outside the family unit!) Didn't begin writing until I was in my forties, although I'd always been a bookworm, and found out I totally loved it. I hope you enjoy reading my stories - I certainly had fun writing them.
And just a bit of a brag - some of my stories have been prizewinners, some have been made into short films and radio plays, some included in anthologies, and one (Ta Da!) dramatized for BBC Radio 4. I'm a bit chuffed about that! Here are some of my recognitions.