Carolyn Steele Agosta
Click on any of these titles and you'll be taken to Amazon.com where you can purchase them in print or on your Kindle.

Two Weeks Every Summer, Stories from Camp Meeting
A collection of twenty short stories inspired by old-timey camp meeting - a mix of religious revival, family reunion and small-town carnival. Thousands of people come together during the hottest part of a North Carolina summer, to stay in side-by-side primitive cabins and enjoy traditions that go back nearly 200 years. Camp meeting has endured through thunderstorms and bad roads, the Civil war and two World wars, fire, earthquake and twenty-first century technology. These stories span that entire period of time from 1830 to today. As one camper has said, "Camp meeting is not just a place with old shacks. It is our heart and soul and the very fabric that holds our community together.

After the Wink and other stories
Nothing is more fascinating than the twisting, turning paths that relationships can take, whether man/woman, parent/child, among siblings or between strangers. AFTER THE WINK and other stories, is a collection of 36 short stories (and two poems!) that explore these relationships - a woman contemplating an affair, a schizophrenic sister, an old man at the end of life, a young girl just beginning. Even the difficulties of a conversation with God (who is wearing ostrich-leather boots).

The Pleasure of Your Company
ISBN - 9780982956113
It's 2008 and everything is just terrible. The Dow is dropping, unemployment is rising, and worse than that, the baby-boomer Cates sisters have to celebrate Thanksgiving together. When their late father's Will is read, they realized they're going to be impossibly tangled together, and that's BEFORE they find out some of his well-kept secrets. THE PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY is a novel about the joys of sibling rivalry, financial hard times, nearly-forgotten memories and plain old craziness. Good times.

Every Little Step She Takes
The story of a young ballerina who gets involved in a shocking relationship. In a slow step-by-step seduction, Amanda is drawn further and further into a dangerous dance. The dark romance takes an ugly turn, resulting in attempted murder and suicide. EVERY LITTLE STEP SHE TAKES is a novel about the dangers of the wrong kind of love and the strength of true family relationships.

Whether you were born organized or raised by a pack of hyenas, Super-Organized Sal, the Perfectionist Gal, can help you achieve your goals for organizing, de-cluttering, and simplifying your life. Her upbeat suggestions and funny stories guide you to a life where you’re not only more organized, you’re loving it.
This is a different kind of organizing book - half humorous chicklit, half solid organizing ideas. Bring order to your days and evenings, then your weeks, months, and seasons, while also enjoying Sal's tale of a young woman going from college to life on her own, with all the bumpy roads that entails. Sal presents step-by-step methods with plenty of practical experience and personal motivation, as well as ideas for keeping the system going once you’ve gotten caught up. Whether you’re interested in being super-organized, or just organized-enough, Organized and Loving It will definitely help you create space and time in your life for the Good Stuff.